Hello we are Asya and Marco

We look forward to welcoming you to our straw house at Lake Garda

Hello! we are Asya and Marco

We live at Marciaga, with our children Suriya, Ciro and Rei, where we run a Riding Centre “Corti Gardesane” and the straw house Casa Viva.

We come from two very different lives and met thanks to horses, art and Nature.

We all need Mother Nature’s energy to live peacefully. Nature helps us to slow down and teaches us to live together. Nature for us is love, peace and simplicity.

Asya, Casa Viva a Garda

Hello, I’m Asya

I’m Malaysian Canadian by birth, with a degree in Fine Arts. I grew up travelling and arrived in Italy for love at just 29 years old with a suitcase full of hope, a little money and some work tools. 

I was 9 years old when I first rode a horse, and these animals,magic and sensitive, have stayed part of my dreams. When I got to Garda, I started riding again and quickly remembered the fantastic sensation of power and freedom that riding brings.

For a few years I made and sold my pieces of jewelry in a shop on Lake Garda: with time I learnt that teaching and communication are my talents and I decided to put these to the service of others. I became a riding instructor, worked in a summer art camp and in the same years became a mom to Suriya, Ciro and Rei.

Marco, Casa Viva al Lago di Garda

Hello, I’m Marco

I’m an ex-lawyer from the Piedmont region of Italy, in love with Nature and Horses.

After 20 years of intensive forensic work, my life in Alessandria started to overstretch me and, thanks to a life skills course, Shiatsu and Hara-Yoga, I started to listen to myself and to find the courage to make changes.

I often came to Lake Garda to visit friends: The more times I came to the Lake, the more it called me and when I finally moved to the Lake, I finally felt at home, in peace.

Here I started riding horses, bought my own horse, became a riding instructor, started a small riding stables and, thanks to our horses, Asya and I began our love story. 

Cavalli del Maneggio a Casa Viva, Lago di Garda

From Horses, to a riding stables and the straw houses of Casa Viva

Often passing near the fields of Marciaga, we both felt a strong sense of wellbeing, almost like a calling. Was that because, since 1951 that had always been horses on that land? We don’t know precisely but we do know that this is a kind of magic land.

This big pasture full of horses was so full of life that we had to buy it to build, first our eco sustainable riding stables and then our two Casa Viva guest houses.

From the silence of the dawn to the evening sunset, with the woods around us, we felt the strong energy of Nature: we felt that we were in the right place for our mission to free ourselves from superfluous things and live in harmony with Mother Nature.

A Home, in our opinion, shouldn’t isolate you from nature but should allow you to feel and breathe even when you are indoors.

In 2008, Stefano Soldati built the first straw houses in Italy and, following the evolution of this construction technology, we began to dream of our own straw house.

Thus, with the help of wonderful architects and engineers, we designed and built Casa Viva.

Here you will see that a cleaner world is possible. You will understand the importance of respecting Nature and connecting with her to understand who you are.

We look forward to greeting you at Casa Viva.

This is how Casa Viva breathes

Infissi di Riciclo a Casa VIva Garda

Recycled fixtures

The walls of Casa Viva are built around the fixtures and non the other way round! Doors and window frames are one off recycled pieces because we believe in using what we already have on our planet without throwing more things away and thus creating something new from something old.

Giardino sul tetto di Casa Viva a Garda

Garden on the Roof

Sedum is a succulent which filters the air like lungs. It is a bright green plant which needs sun and stores water in its leaves. If you look closely at the roof, you will see its different shapes and brilliantly coloured flowers.

Biopiscina con Fitodepurazione per vacanze eco a Garda

Our Natural Swimming Pool

Swimming in the pure water of our natural pool makes you feel at one with the natural environment. You will experience a dip in a living ecosystem which purifies your mind and stimulates your creativity giving you a great sense of wellbeing.

Passeggiate con Cavalli al Maneggio di Casa Viva a Garda


Horses are patient and empathetic beings and you will wonder at the emotions they stimulate: it is these emotions that, with our help, will let you relax and let go of your stresses.

Colazione con Prodotti Locali a Casa Viva Garda

Local products for breakfast

Besides the fruit and vegetables from our vegetable patch, we choose only local environmentally friendly grown products from local producers who offer healthy things that sustain communities and realise certain values. Eco friendly for us is an ethical choice that gives benefits to Man, animals and the environment.

Costruzione in Paglia di Casa Viva a Garda

The Window of Truth

This is like a small picture which you will find in all our rooms which explains how we have built the Straw House Casa Viva. You will sleep in a living room scented by Nature.

Pavimento in Cotto nelle stanze di Casa Viva a Garda

Water at 13C

The water is 13C and comes from our well - it is this water that is fed through pipes under the terracotta floor. This is a technique known as Free Cooling: natural air conditioning which keeps things fresh in the summer and no need for other air conditioning.

Infissi di Riciclo a Casa VIva Garda

Recycled fixtures

Giardino sul tetto di Casa Viva a Garda

Garden on the Roof

Biopiscina con Fitodepurazione per vacanze eco a Garda

Our Natural Swimming Pool

Passeggiate con Cavalli al Maneggio di Casa Viva a Garda


Colazione con Prodotti Locali a Casa Viva Garda

Local products for breakfast

Costruzione in Paglia di Casa Viva a Garda

The Window of Truth

Pavimento in Cotto nelle stanze di Casa Viva a Garda

Water at 13C

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